Recently the topic of “vibe typing” came up, so I decided I would take a crack a whipping up a personality typology system called “Vibology” (Vibeology?) This is not a serious endeavor.
Here are the criteria I’ve given myself to guide my conjuration:
- Vibology is always based on surface-level and easily identified characteristics. It does not delve into cognitive styles or psycho-dynamics.
- Vibology is not egalitarian. Some dichotomies can be better or worse.
- Vibology is not trying to uncover new traits or do anything unique. It uses concepts that already exist.
- Vibology is trait-based, not type-based. So all trait dichotomies are on a spectrum. We might name the “types,” it is understood that these are just the poles of the spectrum. I think additionaly the mid-point of the spectrums can be recognized as well. Thus each trait will have three “types” (left, middle, and right)
- Vibology should be easy to pick up and easy to use. Consensus on traits should be quickly reached.
- Vibology takes into account body language.
Here is my very short first draft:
Trait Dichotomies
Masculine/Feminine (or Hard/Soft)
This would be how traditionally masculine presenting someone is. Most males will be neutral to masculine and most females will be neutral to feminine. Masculinity is like… “keeping frame” and being able to assert and defend when necessary. Feminine people are more emotionally oriented. Basically “hard” vs. “soft” (possibly a better name).
How intelligence someone comes across. Whether they use big words (correctly) and have intellectually oriented interests.
Naughty people are cruel, mischievous, and Machiavellian. They are rule-breakers and manipulators. Nice people follow the rules and don’t partake in subterfuge.
Stylish people are aesthetic, trendy, or physically colorful. Plain people are physically dull, conventional or boring. This can apply to both mental and physical characteristics. For example, someone who has a lot of artistic interests may have a “stylish” vibe.
Tidy people are fastidious, neat, and cleanly. Messy people are obviously the opposite. This can apply to both mental and physical characteristics. For example someone who is scatter-brained and disorganized has a “messy” vibe.
Basically just extraversion and introversion without the “assertive” sub-factor. So how gregarious someone is.
Example “Types”
The friend-group therapist: Soft, Intellectual, Nice, Chatty
Sigma male (the rarest male type): Hard, Naughty, Reserved
INFP: Soft, Nice, Stylish, Messy, Reserved
Dudebro: Hard, Simpleton, Nice (sometimes), Chatty
The ESL schizo lurker: Intellectual, Messy, Reserved
James Bond: Hard, Intellectual, Naughty, Stylish, Tidy
Plain Jane: Soft, Intellectual, Nice, Plain, Reserved
Open to suggestions.