This is a work-in-progress.
Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV
Part III Overview
In this part, we will go over the various Type relations.
Layer 5 – Type Relations
There are 24 unique combinations of Attitude Relations. This makes perfect sense because there are 24 Types, so each Type has a set of possible relations with every other Type as well as its Identical.
Here is an example Type Relation we covered earlier (between LVFE and LEFV):
ID1 | EX+ | ID3 | EX- |
ID1 | EX+ | ID3 | EX- |
From what we learned so far, we can describe the relation thusly: It is balanced; there is some similarity (the presence of Identical relations) and also some dissimilarity (the presence of Non-Identical relations); there is some positivity/compatibility and also some possible negativity/adversity. By considering how the particular Attitude Relations operate, we can build up to a more gestaltic depiction of how we would expect these two Types with this relation will interact.
The concept of Superiority and Inferiority should obviously not be taken to mean that the Superior Partner is better than the Inferior. It just means that there will be a certain dominance or imbalance during interaction. The Superior will feel like they are continually bringing the Inferior “up to speed” or otherwise leading the interaction. The qualities of these unbalanced relations varies with each category, some being more pleasant and others less so. Also, the degree of imbalance varies with the Instruction relation seeming most one-sided and Suffocation the least. Suffocation in fact is barely imbalanced at all as will be explained below.
Before going into the summaries I’ve prepared for each Type Relation, I’d like to explain the general groupings of relations as laid out here by Rob.
Relation Groupings
Sexta Relations
We will cover Sextas later. For now, all you need to understand is that these four relations are balanced, have mid to low (obvious) similarity, and have high compatibility.
Duality – Identical – Solution – Sister
Square Relations
These are two unbalanced relations. Each relation is actually two relations with a Superior and Inferior partner for a total of four relations. Both relation variants form a separate chain of four different Types connected in a loop. The Radiance loop includes the Conflict of Partner A and the Instruction loop includes the Faux-Identical. These fourth partners are the Superior to the Partner (+) and the Inferior to Partner (-). Thus a sort of macroscopic balance is achieved. While we have yet to cover the Duality relation, you can think of these Types as the “pseudo-Duals” of Partner A.
Radiance (Superior/Inferior) – Instruction (Superior/Inferior)
Triangular Relations
Like the Square relations, Triangulars are also unbalanced; every relation actually contains two relations with a Superior and Inferior partner. These each form a separate chain of three different Types connected in a loop. These relations are notable in that the Types in each chain share an Identical Attitude Relation. Because there are four possible Identical Attitude Relations there are four chains of 3 types each; Partner A, their Superior partner (Partner (+)), and their Inferior (Partner (-)). One can think of these relations as macroscopically balanced in a “rock, paper, scissors” way (although they are not essentially competitive relations).
Invention [ID1] (Superior/Inferior) – Assistance [ID2] (Superior/Inferior)
Enhancement [ID3] (Superior/Inferior) – Regulation [ID4](Superior/Inferior)
Linear Relations
These are all balanced relations. The partners in these relations will have medium to high (outward) similarity. Their affinity is also mixed, with some of the relations being more or less comforting or stimulating. The main take away is that these types are the counterpart to the Square relations: they are Partner A’s Dual’s “pseudo-Duals.”
Near-Identical – Cousin – Customary – Specificity
Opposed Sexta Relations
Lastly, we get into the more troublesome Type Relations. These three (actually four) are defined by the mutual negativity/incompatibility/adversity between partner A and partner B. The Suffocation relation is technically unbalanced and so it contains Superior and Inferior sub-relations. A given type will have membership in one of six Sextas and the Types in this group are of the opposing Sexta.
Faux-Identical – Suffocation (Superior/Inferior) – Conflict
Type Relations
If you want to understand one of the following relations in more depth, then please visit this page of Rob’s site. I will only be giving brief overviews with just enough info that the reader can grasp how relations work.
Sexta Relations
ID1 | ID2 | ID3 | ID4 |
Identical partners have the same type. The partners will be seen by others as being quite similar, but they themselves may not notice their similarity initially due to perceiving their attitudes as “natural” or “obvious” reactions. There will be very high empathy and familiarity. This relation does not promote intrigue or growth, but it is easygoing and engenders self-awareness.
R+ | P+ | P- | R- |
Duality is the most compatible relation and has the capacity to produce the highest positive growth in the partners’ weaker Aspects. The Types are outwardly very different, but they eventually find a deeper familiarity. The R+ of one partner leads the R- of the other and the same is true of the Process Attitudes. Duals feel both comforted and challenged by one another.
R+ | ID2 | ID3 | R- |
Solution partners have symmetrical Resolution Attitude Relations which makes them complementary in their Results Oriented Aspects. They have identical Process relations which makes them seem outwardly similar. The relation is comfortable and conversation/collaboration comes easy. Solution is similar to Duality, but the comfort level is higher at the expense of growth-promoting challenges.
ID1 | P+ | P- | ID4 |
The Sister relation is the reverse of the Solution. The partners share the Results Attitudes, but are complements in their Process Attitudes. Nevertheless, this relation is also comforting and friendly. The partners enjoy discussing options and ways to improve.
Square Relations
Superior | R+ | SI- | P- | IG- |
Inferior | SI+ | P+ | IG+ | R- |
Radiance relations are asymmetrical and thus there are Superior and Inferior variants. Rob considers this to be the most compatible relation after Duality. While the relations are unbalanced, they are not extreme and the atmosphere between partners further reduces impressions that one partner is dominant over the other. This relation rarely feels stale due to the positive (and occasionally negative) tensions it maintains.
You’ll notice that Radiance partners are half-similar to Duals. The Superior partner has their 1st and 3rd Position Identical to a Dual, whereas the Inferior has their 2nd and 4th Positions identical. Thus, I consider them “pseudo-duals.”
Note – By my calculations, the Partner that Rob designates as the Superior should actually be the Inferior and vice-versa. I am not sure how he determined Superiority vs Inferiority as it pertains to whole Type to Type relations (as opposed to Attitude Relations). That being said, Radiance is relatively balanced in practice, similar to Suffocation, so this is a minor quibbling. I have kept to Rob’s designation above.
Superior | R+ | P+ | A- | EX- |
Inferior | A+ | EX+ | P- | R- |
Instruction relations are the most asymmetrical. Like Radiance partners, Instruction partners are “pseudo-duals” because half the positions are identical to the partner’s Dual Type. The difference between Instruction and Radiance is that the R+/- & P+/- Attitude Relations in Instruction are either both Self-Assured or both Self-Doubting (1 & 2 or 3 & 4). The Superior partner (self-assured) will feel like they carry the burden of the relation and that the Inferior (self-doubting) does not reciprocate useful advice. In reality, the Superior subconsciously sees the help as unpalatable and so downplays it. The Inferior is attracted to the Superior, but finds the relational flow one-sided. This is an overall difficult relation despite the pseudo-duality, but it can help partners understand weaknesses in the way that they communicate their strengths.
Triangular Relations
Superior | ID1 | P+ | IG+ | EX- |
Inferior | ID1 | EX+ | P- | IG- |
The Invention relation hinges on the shared 1st Aspect. When all three types in the loop are interacting, they can be strongly creative and productive. However, this benefit is contingent on focused discussion involving the 1st Position which often runs counter to instinct.
Superior | R+ | ID2 | A- | IG- |
Inferior | A+ | ID2 | IG+ | R- |
The Assistance relation hinges on the shared 2nd Aspect. When all three types in the loop are interacting, they can be strongly helpful towards each other, offering constructive criticism and advice. Out of the Triangular relations, it is the most compatible due to the high positive valence of the ID2 Attitude Relation.
Note, Rob has a typo on his website in the Assistance Diagram: He switched the +/- for the IG Positions on the two partners thus making impossible combinations. I have corrected this error above.
Superior | R+ | SI- | ID3 | EX- |
Inferior | SI+ | EX+ | ID3 | R- |
The Enhancement relation hinges on the shared 3rd Aspect. When all three types in the loop are interacting, they tend to improve their understanding of their weaknesses related to the Insecure Position.
Superior | SI+ | P+ | A- | ID4 |
Inferior | A+ | SI- | P- | ID4 |
The Regulation relation hinges on the shared 4th Aspect. This relation is the most unbalanced out of the Triangular relations. The Regulator (Superior) is usually the first to recognize their similar Unbothered natures, and tries to provide guidance to the Regulatee (Inferior). The Regulatee is grateful, but can feel suppressed. Overall this is a comfortable relation. If the partners avoid neglecting the 4th Aspect, they can keep the relation from staleness and they can find some balance.
Linear Relations
SI+ | SI- | ID3 | ID4 |
Excepting Identicals, Near-Identical partners are the most similar. They share the 3rd and 4th Position Attitudes, which causes them to be naturally comfortable around each other. They will often find themselves in similar occupations, sub-cultures, or interest groups due to being of the same Club. Near-Identicals feel camaraderie and easily trade information. There can be disagreement about how they approach issues related to their strong Aspects (1 & 2), but because of the identical weak Aspects, they find it very easy to see their divergent methods as equally valid in the long-run.
ID1 | ID2 | IG+ | IG- |
Cousin relations are the reverse of Near-Identicals. Their strong Attitudes are identical, but their weak ones are shifted. They look alike from the outside and tend to have very similar interests. So long as they keep to topics related to their strong Aspects, they will maintain good relations. Contrarily, digging down into their weak Aspects will build gradual confusion and resentment because one ignores what the other experiences much anxiety about. Therefore, Cousins are most compatible when they stay on topic and double-down on their 2nd Position which keeps their relations cordial and energizing.
ID1 | EX+ | ID3 | EX- |
Customary partners are very respectful towards the other and rarely if ever step on the other’s toes. This relation is one of the most calming and easy going. It can become somewhat tepid though, because there is no Attitudinal mechanism that triggers intrigue. The partners usually learn quickly to not bother the other overmuch with their Exhaustive Attitudes.
Overall, this is a comfortable relation but there is little endogenous stimulation. Partners can pick this relation up where they last left off, trade useful coping skills, and hibernate the relation until new experiences from the outside allow them to restart again. As long as Customaries pick up on this dynamic (perhaps subconsciously), they can keep this partnership chugging along indefinitely.
A+ | ID2 | A- | ID4 |
The reverse of the Customary relation is Specificity. A Type’s Customary partner will be the Conflict partner of their Specificity partner. Whereas Customaries are naturally comfortable with each other, Specificities are initially envious and wary of the other and rarely find themselves in direct contact due to dissimilar interests. The discomfort continues perpetually, but when the Types do become closer, they energize off the shared 2nd Position Attitude and they accept the mutual avoidance of the Unbothered Aspect. Specificity can be a troubling relation, but as communication deepens, mutual understanding grows.
Opposed Sexta Relations
SI+ | SI- | IG+ | IG- |
The Faux-Identical relation is relatively straight-forward. The partners are outwardly similar to one another and have shared interests. However, as they become closer they realize their priorities and methods are very different. The relation is not marked by much conflict, but is notable for the mutual indifference, boredom, and occasionally the bewilderment it engenders.
Another, more nuanced feature of this relation is that the partners are in Conflict with the other’s Duals. Thus Faux-Identicals can sour the relations between, or be soured by the presence of, their partners’ Conflicts/Duals.
Superior | SI+ | EX+ | A- | IG- |
Inferior | A+ | SI- | IG+ | EX- |
The Suffocation relations are the second least compatible. They are defined by a feeling of mutual suppression and limited scope of interest. The Superior suppresses via their EX+ Attitude and the Inferior via their A+ Attitude. Thus “suffocation” happens both ways through different channels.
Generally, Suffocation pairs purely discuss one aspect, and quickly escape one another’s presence before developing further interest. The more they are around each other, the more annoyed, confused and downright angered they can become.
– Rob
A+ | EX+ | A- | EX- |
The Conflict relation is the least compatible. The partners tend to instinctively avoid each other or elsewise maintain cold, but polite conversational distance. Adversity arises when Conflicting Types are forced to interact with each other for longer periods of time. It takes a lot of mutual patience and maturity to keep relations smooth because there will always be some level of confusion and disdain that persists.
The following chart was taken from Rob’s site and I include it here because replicating it would be tedious and its utility is self-evident. One issue with this chart is that it does not designate superior/inferior variants of the asymmetrical relations.