Ideally, I would present this post by examining Vocation (Club), the new_group (???), and Worldview (Sexta) in that order. However, since the new_group is still being developed, I will save that discussion for the end.
I think it’s important to be able to articulate the new_groups to the same extent that Clubs and Sextas currently are. Theoretically, if the others dimension is on the same conceptual plane as the self dimension, then there should be no barrier to do doing so beyond a bit of word-salading. But if we find that it is very difficult to describe these third groupings, then it lends credence to the notion that Afanasiev got things right when he laid out his system as having only two dispositional dimensions: self positive/negative and results/process. The derivatives of the others axis would then be a phantom and unworthy of being placed on the same level as Clubs and Sextas.
- a summons or strong inclination to a particular state or course of action
- the work in which a person is employed
- the special function of an individual or group
Types that share a Club can be said to have similar “vocations” because they believe they possess unique gifts, aptitudes, or are called by some force to pursue activities related to their self-positive Aspects (1 & 2). They tend to avoid activities related to their self-negative Aspects (3 & 4). A type’s Vocation revolves around their personal calling and perceived skill set. Through consistent practice and habitual self-positivity, a mature and healthy individual is likely to demonstrate aptitude in work related to their self-positive Aspects while having less capacity in areas related to their self-negative Aspects.
Relevant Words:
- Club (official name)
- Vocation (or “calling”)
- Role
- Path
a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world especially from a specific standpoint
Types that share a Sexta can be said to have a similar “worldview.” These types exhibit shared Results (1 & 4) and Process (2 & 3) Orientations. A worldview goes beyond an individual’s role in life and encompasses the roles of others and how their dispositions should be formed. For instance, a 2L type (subconsciously) believes that the appropriate attitudes towards Logic are Flexibility (S+/O+) and Insecurity (S-/O-). Unlike Vocation, which focuses on one’s own role in life, Worldview specifies permissible roles for both oneself and others in relation to each realm of human experience (the Aspects).
Relevant Words:
- Sexta (official name)
- Worldview
- Tribe
- Home
Types that share the new_group display skepticism and protectiveness towards the same Aspects (1 & 3), while being open-minded and receptive towards the same Aspects (2 & 4). Since these groups are not yet explicitly named or explained on the official website, we need to be creative in this section. I am still unsure about how to explain these groups as a whole or how to name and describe each group specifically.
The members of these groups share a common disposition of both mistrust and trust towards the same Aspects. For example, despite being Adversity partners, FELVs and LVFEs both exhibit O- attitudes towards Physics and Logic, and O+ attitudes towards Emotion and Volition. These types belong to different Clubs, indicating vastly different Vocations in life, and different Sextas, resulting in conflicting Worldviews. However, they do share two commonalities:
- Skepticism regarding how others handle precision and logistics.
- Receptivity regarding how others handle motivation and inspiration.
FELVs and LVFEs share these dispositions with FVLEs and LEFVs. Therefore, these four types form a group centered around similar dispositions towards others or “the world.” It is tempting to re-appropriate the term “worldview” here, but as of now, I tentatively believe the term to be better suited for the Sextas.
During this process, I have envisioned these three groupings as fundamental categories of life’s journey. Clubs (vocation, role, and path) can be likened to occupational niches within society. Sextas (worldview, tribe, and home) represent a set of values regarding how life and people should be, as well as a sense of belonging to a particular group. Vocation focuses on one’s individual nature, independent of others or the world. Worldview, on the other hand, pertains to how everyone should be oriented, regardless of their diverse roles in society.
The disposition towards others might be likened to the obstacles encountered in life. Members of the new_groups believe that certain areas of the world are trustworthy, while being skeptical in others. The new_groups revolve around what a type finds challenging to accept and what they are relatively more accepting of, almost naively. There might be a connection to the concept of one’s “fate,” although my understanding of this connection is currently limited. Another angle worth exploring is the notion of “persona” because these groups are centered around dispositions towards others. Additionally, if we consider the relationship between introversion and extraversion in relation to the Positions, these members share both an introverted disposition (O-) and an extraverted disposition (O+) towards the same Aspects. Exploring this line of reasoning might provide insights into the nature of these groups.
While I can vaguely perceive concepts such as obstacles/barriers, fate, persona, introversion/extraversion, and deception (stemming from skepticism (O-) on one hand and gullibility (O+) on the other), I have yet to find a conclusive explanation that seamlessly ties in with analogies like the other two groupings.
Relevant Words:
- new_group (no official name yet)
- ???
- ???
- ???