I have been mining Temporistics again in preparation for the formal introduction of my variant of Psychosophy. In this post, I will focus on Temporistics’ analogue to the Attitudinal Psyche Aspect Dichotomies.
Minute Theory
From Minute Theory (With some re-wording because of translation funkiness):
Real vs. Imaginary
Real (Present & Eternity)
Imaginary (Past & Future)
- Real – Actually exists in the present moment
- Imaginary – Only exists as a projection as in memory or fantasy
This dichotomy is analogous to the Temporal vs. Spiritual dichotomy in AP.
Movable vs. Immovable
Movable (Present & Future)
Immovable (Past & Eternity)
- Movable – Can be influenced by our actions
- Immovable – Cannot be influenced by our actions
This dichotomy is analogous to the Visceral vs. Communicative dichotomy in AP.
Specific vs. Abstract
Specific (Past & Present)
Abstract (Future & Eternity)
- Specific – unique features and details
- Abstract – symbolic, interpretive, acontextual
This dichotomy is analogous to the Emphatic vs. Expansive dichotomy in AP.
Past – Imaginary, Immovable, Specific
The concept of “Past” refers to one’s personal history and memories, rather than ancient history or dinosaurs. It encompasses our individual life stories and the emotions intertwined with our recollections.
Present – Real, Movable, Specific
The term “Present” represents the current moment, which is constantly fleeting. Although a moment passes as quickly as it arrives, we always exist in the present.
Future – Imaginary, Movable, Abstract
“Future” pertains to one’s personal destiny, similar to how the Past Aspect concerns the personal past. While the distant future may captivate science-fiction enthusiasts, the actionable Future refers to the future we have the power to shape.
Eternity – Real, Immovable, Abstract
“Eternity” encompasses the unchanging aspects of reality. These eternal qualities can be more easily understood and manipulated through logical reasoning due to their static abstractness. We will always have time to understand the things that never change.
Converting Temporistics to Selfology
“Selfology” is the working name for my variant of Psychosophy. There is a strong chance that I will eventually change the name. The gist is that my variant attempts to unite Psychosophy, AP, Temporistics, Jungian Typology, and Classical Metaphysics into a single system. I retain Psychosophy’s tetrahedral structures for the Aspects and Positions, their respective dichotomies, the resulting 24 types combinations, and the relations, groups, etc.
Water : Feeling : Emotion : Past : Soul
Earth : Sensation : Physics : Present : Body
Fire : Intuition : Volition : Future : Spirit
Air : Thinking : Logic : Eternity : Mind
Past : Soul
The Past is associated with the Soul. In metaphysical discourse, the Soul is often described as the accumulation of memories from past lives. The Soul, like the Spirit (Future), is intangible or spiritual. However, unlike the Spirit, it doesn’t involve things that we can directly influence since the past has already transpired. The Soul is comparable to the Mind (Eternity) in that it deals with what cannot be changed except through reinterpretation. Nonetheless, the Soul is also delicate and its experiences are influenced by specific events and unique contexts, which distinguishes it from the abstract nature of the Mind.
Present : Body
The Present is linked to the Body. The Body encompasses not only itself but also the interactions with other physical “bodies” encountered in the current moment. Similar to the Soul, the Body deals with concrete, contextual, and specific qualities. However, unlike the Soul, the Body possesses mobility and reality. Like the Spirit, the Body acknowledges its perceptions as given but recognizes that the things within its purview can be altered, whereas the Mind and Soul concern things that can only be changed through reinterpretation. The Body is akin to the Mind in that it addresses “objective” elements concerning evidence that can be readily understood, such as observable facts or mathematical equations.
Future : Spirit
The Future is associated with the Spirit, which represents the aspect of the Self that harnesses energy to shape the future. The Spirit embodies potential and possibility, dealing with imaginary concepts, similar to the Soul, as the future has yet to unfold and can only be comprehended through fantasy and imagery. The Spirit shares a similarity with the Body in that it accepts its perceptions as given but possesses the capacity to effectuate change, contrasting with the functions of the Mind and Soul. The Spirit isn’t capable of or particularly interested in manifesting highly detailed experiences; instead, it seeks to conjure the essence of a desire as the opportunity arises. Thus, like the Mind, the Spirit is detached from contextual specifics.
Eternity : Mind
Eternity is associated with the thinking Mind, as reason attempts to simplify concepts into timeless and unchanging properties. Metaphysically, the Mind deals with the eternal forms of reality. While the Soul also addresses the unchangeable, it differs from the Mind in that it doesn’t concern universal aspects but rather highly contextualized memories. The Mind shares similarities with the Body in dealing with objective qualities that can be proven or demonstrated without relying on subjective imagery. However, unlike both the Body and the Soul, the Mind disregards context. The Spirit shares the abstract nature of the Mind, but they are opposites in the other two dichotomies: the Mind deals with the immovable and the real, while the Spirit addresses the movable and the imaginary.
This is incredible, what’s your cognitive type? I’d like to collect that datapoint when intrepreting your take on these things (The objective side of MBTI, as seen in CPT or CT.)
When do you think you’ll launch the theory?
I really like the intpretation of Volition as a relationship to the future. Not only does it seem accurate in manifestation, but it is a more neutral, non-insulting way to talk about the aspect to the public.
Over all, this is the most harmonious integration of classical alchemy into the typological space that still maintians granularity and relevance.
I’ll be lurking here for a while, and post more comments. I hope to start a dialogue via email, I would love to exchange ideas.
Evan, not sure if you are the person who emailed me recently, but if not, please feel free to email me! I would like to start a discussion group.
You have no public methods of contact. Can you see emails? If not should I include it in a comment?
Sorry for late response
Bro 😭
You no respond