The following format is lifted almost entirely from the official website. I am just musing about how the formatting would work for the AP Manual idea.
Type Code
This section provides a summary of the Type. We could format it almost like a character sheet from a ttrpg as well as including diagrams or icons. So think of this section less like a list and more like an infographic.
- Nickname
- Attitude diagram, Functions diagram, etc.
- Groups: Club, new_group, Sexta
- Aspect Dichotomy Prioritization Chart
General Description
Each of the following sections will provide a description that explains how the type’s attitudes manifest in their own, unique way due to the influence of the whole nexus of attitudes within the Type. Rob has already gone this direction on the official site.
Here, I would expand on Rob’s current formatting with a more systematic and detailed breakdown of each Function. I’d have subsections for each Force with the Blocks, traps, and gifts explicitly identified.
- Ego Block
- Description
- Trap – Arrogance
- Maintenance Block
- Description
- Gift – Personal Meaning
Growing Edge
- Frustration Block
- Description
- Trap – Entrapment
- Courage Block
- Description
- Gift – Liberation
- Demand Block
- Description
- Trap – Overlooking
- Purpose Block
- Description
- Gift – Depth/Discernment
- Rumination Block
- Description
- Trap – Foreboding
- Flooding Block
- Description
- Gift – Serenity
- Broadening Block
- Description
- Trap – Vagueness
- Sharpening Block
- Description
- Gift – Clarity
- Desperation Block
- Description
- Trap – Implosion
- Priority Block
- Description
- Gift – Attainment
Perhaps the sections can be fruitfully modified, but the general notion of listing off the more stereotypical observations about the types is helpful.
Common Quirks
Observed type-related idiosyncrasies and habits
Stereotypical Appearance
I would include male and female variations here.
Archetype Variants
These are common roles that the Types play or niches they occupy. I also think of this as like what roles in fictional stories might the Type play.