Someone made a thread on the AP subreddit that I thought was valuable. Here are the contents:
Ena – Want to explore what the world has to offer.
Dio – Want to fit in and be seen as good or correct.
Tria – Want to dream big and achieve those dreams.
Tessera – Want to stick to their and other’s ideals.
Pente – Want to be themselves no matter what.
Exi – Want to prepare for what the world has to offer.
1V – Want to achieve their objectives
2V – Want to gain attention through being collaborative
3V – Want to work harder and more efficiently
4V – Want to be carefree and without stress
1L – Want to be logical and correct
2L – Want to gain attention through being smart
3L – Want to learn about ideas and concepts
4L – Want to find others to trust and listen to
1F – Want to have physical pleasure
2F – Want to gain attention through being attractive
3F – Want to be more comfortable in the physical world
4F – Want to explore creative ideas and concepts
1E – Want to connect to their emotions
2E – Want to gain attention through being welcoming
3E – Want to control their own feelings
4E – Want to live without emotional influence
V/L – Strategy, Skills, and Mastery
V/F – Action, Instincts, and Physicality
V/E – Inspiration, Patterns, and Dreams
L/F – Details, Realism, and Practicality
L/E – Thought, Introspection, and Reflection
F/E – Atmosphere, Style, and Beauty
1/2 – Sure of their understanding of _
1/3 – Take things involving _ seriously
1/4 – Rigid in their understanding of _
2/3 – Fluid in their understanding of _
2/4 – Take things involving _ lightheartedly
3/4 – Unsure of their understanding of _
If we concatenated the above descriptions that are relevant to LVFE and filled in the blanks, this is what we get (with some paraphrasing):
LVFEs want to be logically correct and they want to gain attention by being collaborative. They wish they that were more comfortable in the physical world and they would prefer to live without emotional influence. In terms of their Logic, they are sure, serious, and rigid. In terms of their Volition, they are sure, light-hearted, and fluid. In terms of their Physics, they are unsure, serious, and fluid. In terms of their Emotion, they are unsure, light-hearted, and rigid. You will often hear them discussing topics related to strategy, skills, and mastery. Deep down, they want to fit in and be seen as good or correct.
Let’s do another, this time LEFV:
LEFVs want to be logically correct and they want to gain attention through being welcoming. They wish that they were more comfortable in the physical world and they would prefer to be carefree and without stress. In terms of their Logic, they are sure, serious, and rigid. In terms of their Emotion, they are sure, light-hearted, and fluid. In terms of their Physics, they are unsure, serious, and fluid. In terms of their Volition, they are unsure, light-hearted, and rigid. You will often hear them discussing topics related to thoughts, introspection, and reflections. Deep down, they want to stick to worthwhile and beautiful ideals.