This is a work-in-progress.
Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV
Part IV Overview
Finally, we will cover Orientation Affinities and Sextas.
Layer 6A – Orientation Affinities
“Orientation Affinities” is a term I invented, but it describes a component of the theory that Rob already implies. Recall that there are two Orientations: Results and Process. For each Aspect, there will be two Attitudes that are Results Oriented and two that are Process Oriented. These pairs contain R+/- OR P+/- Attitude Relations. For example, Physics has a Results pair (1F/4F) and a Process pair (2F/3F). We can call the former pair “Results Physics” (rF) and the latter “Process Physics” (pF). The other three Aspects also have two pairs, adding up to a total of eight. These eight pairs are the Orientation Affinities.
Results Physics (rF) | Results Logic (rL) | Results Emotion (rE) | Results Volition (rV) |
Process Physics (pF) | Process Logic (pL) | Process Emotion (pE) | Process Volition (pV) |
Every type has four Orientation Affinities, corresponding to the positioning of their Aspects. They will have an Affinity to either the Results or Process Orientation of each Aspect. For example, the ELVF has Results Emotion, Process Logic, Process Volition, and Results Physics. Their opposite or Dual type, the FVLE has the same Affinities despite being the Superior partner in the areas where the ELVF is Inferior and vice-versa.
The primary significance of the Orientation Affinity concept is that it describes a composition of attitudes that the Type desires in others. A Type with Results Logic (subconsciously) prefers that the world be composed out of 1Ls and 4Ls and they are discomforted when others do not fit into this mold.
The secondary significance of the Orientation Affinity concept is that it presents an alternative route to the Sexta layer of the theory. The other route is through the Attitude Relations layer, which is best for examining pairs of Types, but is clunkier when we want to understand Sextas holistically. Sextas are the final layer of the theory and will be explained in the next section. Before that, let’s cover the eight Orientation Affinities.
The Eight Orientation Affinities
I have created colored icons for the Affinities. Please do not be too concerned about their quality; they are not finished versions. The colors were chosen based on my gut-instinct and are therefore somewhat arbitrary. I included them purely for mnemonic reinforcement.
Results Physics (rF)
In regard to Physics they…
- are decisive, efficient, distinctive, specific, stubborn, and callous
- often have black or white views
- are inconsiderate about discussion and due process
- believe that there are producers and receivers
Physics Vibes: Solid, indulgent, no-nonsense, resourceful
Process Physics (pF)
In regard to Physics they…
- are judicious, wordy, expansive, probing, fickle and sensitive
- often have nuanced views
- are inconsiderate about the efficient resolution of issues
- believe that there are guides and wanderers
Physics Vibes: Plastic, trend-aware, experimental, adjusting
Results Logic (rL)
In regard to Logic they…
- are decisive, efficient, distinctive, specific, stubborn, and callous
- often have black or white views
- are inconsiderate about discussion and due process
- believe that there are producers and receivers
Logic Vibes: Wizardly, technocratic, seclusive
Process Logic (pL)
In regard to Logic they…
- are judicious, wordy, expansive, probing, fickle and sensitive
- often have nuanced views
- are inconsiderate about the efficient resolution of issues
- believe that there are guides and wanderers
Logic Vibes: Lawyerish, parliamentary, public
Results Emotion (rE)
In regard to Emotion they…
- are decisive, efficient, distinctive, specific, stubborn, and callous
- often have black or white views
- are inconsiderate about discussion and due process
- believe that there are producers and receivers
Emotion Vibes: Bold, flippant, merry
Process Emotion (pE)
In regard to Emotion they…
- are judicious, wordy, expansive, probing, fickle and sensitive
- often have nuanced views
- are inconsiderate about the efficient resolution of issues
- believe that there are guides and wanderers
Emotion Vibes: Delicate, critiquing, sentimental
Results Volition (rV)
In regard to Volition they…
- are decisive, efficient, distinctive, specific, stubborn, and callous
- often have black or white views
- are inconsiderate about discussion and due process
- believe that there are producers and receivers
Volition Vibes: heroic, prophetic, implicit power-structures*
*Farther distance between leaders and followers. Power passes to whoever has the strongest vision or who achieves results more decisively. Push all involved to rally behind a single will and see it to fruition.
Process Volition (pV)
In regard to Volition they…
- are judicious, wordy, expansive, probing, fickle and sensitive
- often have nuanced views
- are inconsiderate about the efficient resolution of issues
- believe that there are guides and wanderers
Volition Vibes: manifold visions of the future, procedure, consensus, explicit power-structures*
*Shorter distance between leaders and followers. Power is wielded based on consensus. Tendency to continually adjust and improve decision-making procedures. Encouragement of all involved to find their own willpower within the consensus-process.
Layer 6B – Sextas
The term “Sexta” is derived from the Latin word for six and was chosen because there are six Sextas. There are four types in each Sexta and these four Types share all Orientation Affinities. The Intertype Relations within a Sexta are Identical, Sister, Solution, and Dual. These are all highly compatible pairings. Outwardly, Types of the same Sexta are not particularly similar to each other, in fact Duals are quite dissimilar. Nonetheless, on a deeper level these types have similar preferences due to the shared Orientation Affinities. Thus Sextas are sort of like “tribes”; they have distinct cultures and higher ideals.
Every Sexta has an Opposing Sexta whose members have the opposite Orientation Affinities and includes the following Intertype Relations: Faux-Identical, Suffocation (+/-), and Conflict. The compatibility between members of Opposing Sexta is low to very low. The “tribal” values of these two Sextas are opposed, so they often are at odds and come to different conclusions from the same information.
The four remaining Sextas are neutral. Half of the Orientation Affinities will be shared and half will be opposed.
The Sextas are named after Greek numerals 1 through 6. I believe the ordering came from Afanasiev originally. It appears somewhat arbitrary although Rob’s designations of the Sextas’ “Evolution Cycles” imply a proper order, starting with the group that became Ena and ending with the group known as Exi.
What follows are outlines of these six groups and a link to Rob’s elaborations of each.
The Sextas
- Epithet: The Seekers
- Evolution Cycle: Experiencing Chaos
- Orientation Affinities: rF, rE, pV, pL
- Strongly Results Oriented about Excitement and Enjoyment
- Strongly Process Oriented about Expertise and Action Planning
- Opposed to: Tessera
Rob’s description here.
- Epithet: The Engagers
- Evolution Cycle: Organizing Chaos
- Orientation Affinities: rL, rE, pV, pF
- Strongly Results Oriented about Education and Artistry
- Strongly Process Oriented about Command and Composition
- Opposed to: Pente
Rob’s description here.
- Epithet: The Creators
- Evolution Cycle: Utilizing Chaos
- Orientation Affinities: rV, rE, pL, pF
- Strongly Results Oriented about Motivation and Inspiration
- Strongly Process Oriented about Precision and Logistics
- Opposed to: Exi
Rob’s description here.
- Epithet: The Enrichers
- Evolution Cycle: Calming Chaos
- Orientation Affinities: rV, rL, pF, pE
- Strongly Results Oriented about Expertise and Action Planning
- Strongly Process Oriented about Enjoyment and Excitement
- Opposed to: Ena
Rob’s description here.
- Epithet: The Transmuters
- Evolution Cycle: Unraveling Chaos
- Orientation Affinities: rV, rF, pL, pE
- Strongly Results Oriented about Command and Composition
- Strongly Process Oriented about Education and Artistry
- Opposed to: Dio
Rob’s description here.
- Epithet: The Resolvers
- Evolution Cycle: Solving Chaos
- Orientation Affinities: rL, rF, pV, pE
- Strongly Results Oriented about Precision and Logistics
- Strongly Process Oriented about Motivation and Inspiration
- Opposed to: Tria
Rob’s description here.
Final Note
I have decided to leave out a layer of the theory – Subtypes. Rob has not finished the Subtype section on his website as of the time I am writing this article. Once Rob is finished with the subtype explanations, I may add a new page or section.